May 21st, 2025
- Applicants cannot be current or former patients
- Patients selected will be responsible for all travel expenses, lodging and local stay during the pre and post operative period for the duration that is deemed necessary by Dr. Lampert. Typically, for surgical procedures under anesthesia this will be at least 2 weeks. Minor procedures and laser treatments may require less. Preference for patients selected will be South Florida residents, but out-state applicants that can demonstrate the ability to meet necessary pre and post-operative follow up requirements are encouraged to apply.
- Unable to afford medical services
- Not enrolled in an Effective Employer Sponsored Insurance (private insurance plan)
- Must be considered “low medical risk” or an ASA I or ASA II by our anesthesiologist team. (We will help you determine this)
- ASA 1: A normal healthy patient. Example: fit, nonobese (BMI under 30), a nonsmoking patient with good exercise tolerance. No drug use. Moderate or no alcohol use.
- ASA 2: A patient with mild systemic disease that is well controlled. Fit, nonobese (BMI under 30), a nonsmoking patient with good exercise tolerance. No drug use. Moderate or no alcohol use.
- Be a mom / mother in need
- Submit a one to two paragraph statement outlining which surgery you need, and a brief video explaining why you would be the ideal candidate, (minimum 1-2 minutes long). PHOTOS DEMONSTRATING THE CONDITION FOR SURGICAL TREATMENT ARE REQUIRED.
- Photo ID
- Must be willing to have your surgery experience, from pre-op to post-op, documented via photos and video. Must also be willing to be interviewed about your experience and journey.
- Proof of income:
- Current tax return
- Current paycheck stubs or unemployment for the past 30 days
- If paid in cash at work, written statement from employer
- Last year's taxes (2023)
- Last three pay stubs or proof of unemployment
- Resubmit 2024 tax documents once they become available