
What is Breast Augmentation Recovery like?

Breast augmentation, commonly known as a boob job, is an invasive cosmetic procedure designed to improve the shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation is achieved by using either breast implants or, in some cases, by transferring fat from one part of the body to the breasts. Brea...

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Q&A: Abdominal binder, compression garment after Tummy Tuck surgery

Question: How long do I have to wear an abdominal binder, compression garment, or “Faja” after Tummy Tuck surgery? Answer: I typically do a significant amount of liposuction at the same time of the abdominoplasty - and this often involves the “an...

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Q&A: Breast Implant Massaging

Question: When do most plastic surgeons recommend massaging the breasts after having breast lift surgery with implants? Answer: Massaging the breasts after cosmetic breast surgery should be directed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The type of massage and timing to star...

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Q&A: Massive weight loss and breast surgery

Question: I lost over 100 lbs and now feel great, but my breasts are now suffering.   They have begun to really droop.   They look and feel very loose and empty.   Do I need an Implant?   Do I need a lift?   Please help! Answer: Typically after...

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Q&A: Breast Revision

Question: I had a breast augmentation with mastopexy about one year ago.   My breast implant position seems to be ok, but I want my breast lifted more and my nipple position higher.   I feel like my breast skin stretched out since my last surgery.  ...

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Q&A: Scars

Question: My scars look great, but itch 2 weeks after surgery. Should I be worried?   What should I do? Answer: My grandmother always said, “itching means it's healing”.   After 20 years of school including a medicine degree (MD), 6 years of plastic sur...

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Q&A: Breast Augmentation

Question: I had a prior breast augmentation and recently slipped during a routine exercise. I now feel my right breast implant has moved!   What should I do? Answer: After any traumatic event,  and a symptomatic change in a post-surgical breast you should always se...

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Q&A: A Nose Revision

Question: I had an open rhinoplasty with another surgeon in another state about 6 weeks ago - and my nose seems to look almost the same as before! I have a monthly follow-up with the other doctor for now, but would like to get your opinion.   What should I do? An...

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As a new mother, how long should I wait to have surgery?

After childbirth, it takes time for the soft tissues to settle back to a baseline postpartum state. Every woman is different. Some women have more elasticity to their skin and muscle fascia - and “bounce back” closer to their pre-pregnancy form. Other women have...

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What are the factors involved in fat grafting?

The survival of a fat graft after grafting any area (face, buttock, breast, etc) depends on surgical technique, adequate blood supply, postoperative care, nutrition and overall health of the patient. Fat harvested or injected under excess pressure is thought to disrupt cell...

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