Woman touching her chest

Breast implants can provide long-lasting and satisfying results, but like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including infection. While implant infections are relatively rare, they can occur and may require prompt attention to prevent further complications. At Lampert MD, under the expert care of Dr. Lampert, patients experiencing a breast implant infection can explore various treatment options to manage the condition and restore their health effectively.

A breast implant infection typically occurs when bacteria enter the body during or after surgery. Symptoms may include redness, swelling, pain, fever, or discharge around the implant site. Infections can develop soon after surgery or, in some cases, much later. It is essential to seek immediate medical care if any signs of illness arise.

Can Breast Implant Infections Be Treated?

Yes, breast implant infections can be cured. Treatment options depend on the infection's severity and the patient's specific circumstances. Minor infections may respond well to antibiotics alone, but more severe cases may require surgical intervention.

One common treatment for persistent infections is breast explant surgery, where the infected implant is removed. Explant surgery allows Dr. Lampert to thoroughly clean the affected area, remove any infected tissue, and ensure the infection is fully addressed. In some cases, the implant can be replaced after the infection has cleared, while in others, waiting until the patient has fully healed may be necessary.

What to Expect from Treatment

Dr. Lampert’s individualized approach at Lampert MD ensures each patient receives the care best suited to their needs. When caught early, a breast implant infection may resolve with antibiotics and close monitoring. For more complicated infections, explant surgery may be the best course of action to ensure a full recovery and prevent further health issues.

Dr. Lampert is highly experienced in implant removal and replacement, providing his patients with safe, reliable outcomes. Whether patients opt to replace their implants after an infection or choose a different route, Dr. Lampert can guide them through the process and help them make informed decisions about their health and aesthetic goals.

Preventing Future Complications

Following post-operative care guidelines to prevent recurrence after treating an implant infection is crucial. Dr. Lampert works closely with his patients to monitor their recovery and provide personalized advice on how to minimize future risks. He has extensive experience performing breast explant surgery and offers patients safe and effective solutions for implant-related complications. 

His expertise in treating breast implant infections allows him to create personalized treatment plans that prioritize both health and aesthetics. Dr. Lampert's meticulous approach ensures successful outcomes for patients requiring explant surgery due to infection. If you're concerned about a breast implant infection or wish to learn more about treatment options, including explant surgery, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lampert today.

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