After a mini tummy tuck, you will need to be escorted home by a responsible adult who will stay and assist you for 24-48 hours. You will be fitted with a compression garment, which helps to reduce postoperative swelling. Bruising, soreness, and swelling in the lower abdomen will peak during the first few days and then gradually lessen with time. Dr. Lampert will prescribe pain medications and will offer you a detailed and customized aftercare plan, going over your unique recovery timeline.
Because a mini tummy tuck is less invasive than its conventional counterpart, the recovery process is typically quick and seamless. Most patients can resume work and normal activities within 1-2 weeks. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 3-5 weeks. Dr. Lampert will be on hand to answer questions during your healing journey, so do not hesitate to contact him if any concerns arise.